• seleccion-de-candidatos

Method for selecting candidates

We advise and guide you on finding the talent you need

Meeting or conference call with the client

  • Analysis of the progress and steps taken during the selection process.
  • Definition of needs, requirements and available time.
  • Viability analysis.
  • Advice and definition about the type of service to be provided.
  • Commercial agreement to start the service.

Writing the job description (JD)

We write up the Job Description by gathering all the information provided to ensure that we fully understand the needs, requirements and determining factors. We then seek the client's approval prior to starting the process.

Candidate search and identification, drawing up the long list

The methodology we use is common to all processes, although the scope varies depending on the type of service contracted.

Our broadest service (Retained Executive Search & Selection) covers the following steps:

  • We identify the companies within the market (sources) that we will target for headhunting.
  • We identify suitable candidates, with the aim of reaching the best professionals available in the industry, in line with the job description.
  • We draw up a list of companies/people to contact.
  • We conduct a thorough scan of the market (prospecting).
  • We make direct contact with candidates and present the project in an attractive way, and showing them the ways in which it could benefit their career.

Qualification, motivation, drawing up the short list

  • We interview/qualify candidates: our qualification process ensures that only suitable candidates are put forward - candidates who can do the job as required, are interested in the opportunity, would like to do the job, and are motivated to accept the position if offered.
  • During the candidate qualification process, we exclude any candidates who are not strongly motivated. We also exclude any "window shoppers" or candidates who are already finalising other opportunities as well as any potential candidates who are seeking to use the selection process to improve their current salary and conditions.
  • We prepare candidates for a potential counter-offer from their existing company. We coach them to prevent them from accepting any such counter-offer, as it could potentially harm their professional careers.
  • Our qualification process covers issues such as: verifying their identity, skills, obtaining evidence of their academic credentials, and filtering them based on "killer questions" prior to putting them forward.
  • Clients receive a shortlist of 2-4 qualified candidates.

Managing the client's interview process

  • We coordinate all interviews, this freeing up time for clients to focus on their business.
  • Before each interview, we brief the candidate and the client's interviewers to help them prepare for the interview.
  • We notify candidates about the role and provide information about the company, telling them how to travel to the interview, and ensuring they arrive fully prepared.
  • Within 24 hours of the interview we have a call (debrief) with the candidate and subsequently with the interviewers to compare both parties' impressions. This is aimed at ensuring there are no misunderstandings, and thereby minimising any problems that may arise - such as the candidate giving up or dropping out of the process.
  • At the start of the process, where the client requires, we ask people who have worked with the candidates for reference checks.
  • We arrange follow-up interviews, with briefing and de-briefing as before.
  • During the process we continuously verify candidates' commitment to the process, offering comments and preventing possible counter-offers.

Managing the process of making an offer, hiring the candidate into the company and subsequent follow-up

  • Once the final candidate has been selected, we handle the process of putting forward the offer to ensure it is accepted.
  • We take the selected candidate through the process of resigning from their current company.
  • Where they need to give a long notice period, we stay in contact with the candidate.
  • We ask the client to provide feedback on their levels of satisfaction with the service provided.
  • Ensuring that the process is successful in the long term is extremely important to us: we stay in touch with the candidate even after they have taken up the new position to help identify and prevent any issues.

Looking for a career move?

If you are open to new challenges, send us your CV.

Find the right candidate
Find the right candidate

Contact us, our selection experts will advise you.

Get in touch

Send us your job vacancy
Send us your job vacancy

Are you looking to fill a leadership position in your business?

Send us your vacancy

Amkalis, Search & Consulting

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C/ Monistrol, 1 (local 9)
08150 Parets del Vallès (Barcelona)

(+34) 930 017 669

(+34) 930 017 669

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